Digital Recall Sheets

Digital Recall Sheets

  • 05/17/2017
  • Michael Krusch
  • News
  • Konnektor
It's easier than ever to keep your analog outboard gear configured right.

The Schwerkraftmaschine and Konnektor from Tegeler Audio Manufaktur already offer flawless total recall using analog studio hardware.
That convenient solution has now been extended to users of other Tegeler products as well.

Tegeler provides a plugin representation of each of your products, ready to be loaded into each channel.
Simply transfer the hardware settings into the plugin; that configuration will then be stored as part of the DAW song data.
When the plugin is reopened later, it informs you just how the hardware needs to be configured.
Thanks to our use of gradated potentiometers, this takes only seconds.

Naturally it’s also possible to create presets for your favorite parameters.
No more need to take photos of devices or fill our paper worksheets.

The plugins are available for AAX, AU and VST on MacOS and Windows and can be downloaded on the respective product pages.

Free download
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