Creme review
- 05/29/2017
- Michael Krusch
- Review
- Creme
A few quotes:
At first sight perhaps a little inconspicuous, but extremely powerful device.
I really liked the EQ circuit, which is simple, but very effective. The wide filters are as musical as it is, as nothing sounds ugly "processed" or twisted...
...Dull signals can be opened up effectively...
Good is that the bass area remains beautifully contoured even if it gains in volume.
...Compressor ... clean, contoured and crisp.
The time constants provide the entire range from transient squashing to very decent bass / bass drums punch.. ...
The compression can be well dosed, the sidechain filter is almost indispensable for a compressor of this type.
Conclusion:Complete Review
The Tegeler Creme is cleanly designed and manufactured and in practice it delivers good results in many situations.
(German - translation to English)
Créme product page