What you always wanted to hear about EQP-1

What you always wanted to hear about EQP-1

  • 10/29/2018
  • Victor Weiss
  • EQP-1
  • Demo
  • Tutorial

Mikolaj from the Polish YouTube channel "Na czym gra" just shot four amazing videos about the EQP-1. You can hear a detailed demonstration of the legendary Pultec-Style EQ curves that you get when boosting and cutting a frequency at the same time.

There are also a lot of fine audio demos. By the way, "Na czym gra" means translated as much as "What he plays with". In this case with EQ curves. We hope you enjoy watching and listening:

EQP-1 - Boost+Cut Shelving Filter, Rock, Pop, Funk demo:

EQP-1 - Bass & Guitars demo:

EQP-1 - Kick, Snare, Overheads demo:

The Unboxing:

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