Wake me up - Theresa Cherchi feat. Melissa Metzner

Wake me up - Theresa Cherchi feat. Melissa Metzner

  • 03/29/2018
  • Victor Weiss
  • Raumzeitmaschine
  • Schwerkraftmaschine
  • VTRC

The best songs just write themselves, often in no more than 10 minutes. When Theresa spontaneously struck the first chords on her guitar and little later sang the chorus together with her friend Mel O'Die, they were probably surprised themselves just how good the song "Wake me Up" turned out.

The only 23-year-old musician from the german town Moers has a voice like velvet and when listening to her music you immediately get goose bumps. The recording session became a family project because her Dad Guido is a passionate musician and sound engineer himself. He recorded, mixed and mastered the song.

Although we could not attend the session personally, our Schwerkraftmaschine, Raumzeitmaschine and the Vari Tube Recording Channel were present. Guido Cherchi on the recording session:

„The Vari Tube Recording Channel was used to record the voice of Theresa. The signal went first through the EQ, then through the vari- and optocompressor. The compression was moderate. The high frequencies were raised with the EQ, especially in the range of 24kHz, resulting in a nice transparency. In the mix, this had to be partially lowered again with a dynamic EQ, but the natural tone of the VTRC remained in the overtone range and gave the voice "Air". Subsequent boosting in this area with software EQs is usually not so nice to hear.

The vocals of Melissa were recorded through a TL Audio EQ 2 preamp and then processed with the Schwerkraftmaschine in 'Vocal Leveler' mode. Everything was recorded live without overdubbing. In the final mix in Cubase, the Raumzeitmaschine was integrated as an external effects device. Above all, it gave the voice a great and natural spatiality. Finally, Wavelab was used to sparingly process the stereo basis and loudness.“

And now have fun listening:

More about the Schwerkraftmaschine

More about the Raumzeitmaschine

More about the Vari Tube Recording Channel

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